Sunday 20 September 2015


A few factors that definitely will have an impact on height increasing are:

1. Deep Breathing

An effective breathing is one of a few important factor that you might need to take into consideration when you are trying to increase your height. Breathing properly will stimulate your body to grow due to sufficient of the oxygen. Only deep breathing can be considered as an effective breathing. Your growth will be stunt if you breath shallow. It's considered as ineffective breathing though. Anger leads to shallow breathing and therefore stunts growth. So make sure you keep yourself happy as much as possible!
Deep Breathing Exercise

You should perform the following deep breathing exercise every day, as well as before and after you sleep. The more often you do deep breathing exercise, the better result you will get.

  • Inhale through your nose slowly and controllably for 3 - 5 seconds and make sure that your stomach as well as your chest expands.
  • Hold your breath for another 3 - 5 seconds. Before you exhale, for the final 2 - 3 seconds, tighten your stomach muscle lightly. Your goal is to slowly improve the blood circulation in your head.
  • Finally exhale slowly (without loosening your stomach muscles) and controllably through your mouth and nose.
2. Surgical Procedure

Cosmetic leg lengthening procedure can be performed on people to gain a few extra inches of height. This is a very complexexpensive and painful surgery that requires long recovery times. Some medical centers involve the patient with psychological evaluation to ensure they will be able to endure the recovery, with the necessary positive attitude. You can follow the wikipedia article on leg lengthening procedure for more details:

Where can I get a list of hospitals that perform leg lengthening procedures?

You can follow the link below for a list of hospitals that perform cosmetic leg lengthening procedures:

3. Exercises
In the process of conducting research on methods to get taller, many people stumble across a plethora of websites and advertisements claiming that exercise can make you taller. Is this really true? The answer is yes and no.

Exercise, combined with a sound diet and proper posture, can be beneficial to your body in a variety of different ways. Doing exercises to increase height while you are young and still growing can indeed help you grow taller, but it's important to remember that during this period of your life, your body still has a lot of growing to do. Exercises and stretches releases height growth hormones, which speed and enhance growth spurts.
However, there are many sites out there that claim to know exercises to increase height that can lengthen the bones after one has reached adulthood. Don't listen to these claims. Your bones can't lengthen when you stretch them. They're done growing. The only way you could possibly physically lengthen your bones is by surgery, which is expensive, risky, painful, and very difficult.

However, this isn't to say that exercises to increase height are entirely useless. If you have reached adulthood and are still dissatisfied with your height, there are still many ways to enhance your appearance and make yourself look taller, and exercising is one of them. Exercise slims your figure and makes you more muscular, which in turn makes you look taller. It's also very good for your bones-it makes them stronger and less likely to weaken or shrink during old age.


How to increase height resource page is a collaborative effort to answer many of the questions that people ask regarding human height. We have tried to explain the factors that determine height and human growth. We occasionally receive questions as to what can be done to stimulate growth within our body. People are anxious to find out ways to grow taller and increase height. We have compiled a list of FAQ's about height in this How to Increase Height Guide.

1.  What are the factors that determine a person’s height?

Height is determined by a complex combination of genetics and environment. The basic rule of the thumb formula for human height may be summarized as:
Genetics + Hormones + Nutrition)  -  Stress
2.  When do we stop growing taller?

We have been genetically programmed to stop growing after the completion of puberty. At this point the complex interplay of genesnutrients, and hormones reaches its climax. Once our genes have orchestrated the growth and development of the body to the point that it can reproduce, the purpose for growth is complete. This usually happens at the average age of 16 years for girls and 18 years for boys.

3.  Can I grow taller after puberty?

There is very little evidence to suggest that people can grow taller after puberty. Humans usually grow faster as infants and toddlers. They also grow significantly as growth spurts hit during puberty.

4.  What are growth spurts?

Growth spurts is a term used for a rapid increase in height and weight which typically occurs during puberty. In their teens, kids put on an amazing growth to reach their final adult height. This phenomenal growth starts at the outside of the body and works in. Hands and feet are the first to expand. Needing new shoes is the first sign of experiencing growth spurts. Next, arms and legs grow longer. Finally the spine grows. The very last expansion is a broadening of the chest and shoulders in boys, and a widening of the hips and pelvis in girls.
5.  What kind of a diet can help increase my height?

A nutritious diet that includes fruits and vegetables, dairy, cereals, meat, and plenty of water will aid the natural process for enhancing height.

6.  Does sleep help human growth?

Getting proper sleep is vital for the growth hormones to perform its function effectively. Not getting enough sleep can lower the amount of growth hormones your body produces.
7.  What are growth hormones?

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a substance released by a pea like structure deep inside the brain just behind the eyes. This substance is mostly released during the first couple of hours of sleep and after exercise. Its function is to stimulate growth in human body up until the end of puberty.

8.  Can the intake of growth hormones (HGH) make me grow taller?

The intake of growth hormones can work only during the formative years. The excessive intake of hormones through artificial means may cause abnormal and disproportionate growth. The term (HGH) has often been used and abused by many fraudulent marketers to make outrageous claims of stimulating growth. The fact is that the sale of growth hormone treatment is highly regulated and can only be prescribed by specialists. To learn more about growth hormone treatment options please visit the following wikipedia article:

9.  Are there any medications that can help me gain height after puberty?

There is no medication that can make you enhance height after puberty. There are many products in the market today that claim to increase height of adults, but they are all scams without sufficient scientific evidence.
10.  Can stretching exercises help me gain height?

Some stretching exercises can help increase the height enhancing process during puberty. After puberty the stretching exercises can still help correct a person’s posture. You’ll be surprised by how much of Height is hidden behind your slouched back. You can, at any age, add an inch or two of height by simply improving your posture.

Saturday 19 September 2015


Are you still wondering around & looking for an effective ways to increase your height? Are you still of growing? If you are still in the process of growing, there a bunch of different things you can do in order to help this process along.

One of the important ways to increase your height is of course, DIET. Yes! Diet is one of the most important point you might want to keep an eye on. Foods that rich in protein, amino acids, calcium and calories will provide sufficient nutrients and energy for your body to grow and renew itself. Exercising will also speed up your growing process.
There are many different scams out there that claim that you can exercise to increase height after your body is finished growing. Do not believe these claims, for they are simply not effective ways to increase height. There is no way to lengthen your bones, short of surgery, once they stop growing on their own.

Why is this? To understand, it's good to know a little bit about how we grow at all. When we are first born, much of our bones consist of flexible cartilage. As we grow, much of the cartilage fuses together to form solid bone. In our teenage years, growth plates located on the ends of long bones gradually lengthen. Eventually these growth plates stop growing once we reach the end of puberty. Not even hormone treatments or vitamin supplements can make them grow again.
However, by exercising regularly while you are still young, you can speed up your growth process as well as promote healthy bones long into your life. By keeping good habits, such as a healthy diet and steady exercise, you can even prevent bone weakening diseases as well as the shrinking that occurs frequently during old age.

Another advantage of using exercise to increase height at an early age is that it releases height growth hormones, which speeds the growth process.
What are some of these exercises? Contrary to what you may think, many useful exercises that release height growth hormones do not involve stretching. Instead, focus on workout routines that focus on strengthening your muscles. Not only will this improve your overall appearance, but it will promote bone strength as your weight increases. 

Grow Taller 4 Idiots™